
#radiTags – what you need to know

As radicants, we have made it our mission to channel money into those sectors of the economy and companies that contribute to solving the major global challenges - identified by the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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The Science Based Targets Initiative enables companies and financial institutions to set and validate climate targets aiming for net zero.

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Companies innovating for a better world.

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A functioning health system provides security and access to medical care.

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Learning and sharing information with digital media, accessible to all.

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Medical R&D is one of the foundations for improving health.

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Technology to increase water efficiency through increased reuse and water use reduction.

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Assistive devices allow people with disabilities to live an integrated, yet independent life.

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Products and services to maintain #OralHealth.

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Confronting uncontrolled urbanization by designing and building the energy-efficient, green, inclusive, liveable, and interconnected cities of the future.

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#SustainableFinance has a key role to play in the financing of the UN Agenda2030 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

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Maintaining food security while ensuring livelihoods, respecting human rights, and protecting ecosystems.

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The rise in life expectancy is associated with a growing need for specific #SeniorCare.

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#HydroPower is the dominant source of renewable energy in the world today, and its great potential is currently still underutilised.

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Virtual meetings enable low-carbon business meetings.

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The #Bicycle as an important factor in decarbonising global transport.

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Healthier through life with unprocessed or minimally processed animal foods.

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Microfinance and mobile money fight poverty by allowing underserved groups access loans, mortgages and other financial services.

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#SocialBonds are bonds whose end use is dedicated to the financing of projects with social purposes.

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Through the reduction of raw material waste and transport-related emissions, #3Dprinting is a leading example for sustainable manufacturing.

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Access to the internet to satisfy basic human needs.

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#BatteryTech as an important building block for the energy transition

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Medicines sold without a prescription, used to treat a variety of conditions and their symptoms, such as pain, cough, or diarrhea.

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Syringes, surgical instruments, patient monitoring: products and devices for providing the best medical services.

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A healthy, nurturing, protective and enriching environment gives every child a fair chance in life from the very beginning.

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As one of the most significant sources of carbon emissions, the construction sector requires environmentally friendly solutions to foster the green transition.

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Producing high quality pharmaceuticals efficiently for good health and well-being.

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Infrastructure and technical equipment for environmentally friendly public mobility services, affordable and accessible to all.

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Standing on the shoulders of giants: Ensuring quality education through textbooks, scientific and other publications.

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Providing access to funding and expertise for healthcare companies.

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Save energy and money through efficiency in industry, transport, IT, heating, cooling, lighting and household appliances.

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Decarbonisation of the transport sector through the electrification of vehicles.

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Energy-efficient data processing and storage.

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Protecting individuals, institutions and critical infrastructure from digital threats such as data theft or ransomware.

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Decarbonisation of transport logistics through electrification and efficiency.

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Harvesting energy from waste and plants.

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Speed up and improve medical diagnosis and treatments through digital tools.

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Security through prevention of violent crime, property damage, fraud, deceit, corruption, and property crime.

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To stay healthy, prevention is cheaper than treatment.

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Everything you need to generate clean electricity from wind: turbines, blades, cables, materials, construction, operation and dismantling.

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Sustainable cotton, palm oil, soy and other #CertifiedRawMaterials help protect ecosystems and their services.

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Safety equipment and services to prevent accidents at work or on the road and fires.

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Effective medicines for the treatment of mild to severe diseases enabling recovery and a higher quality of life.

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Promoting the world’s cheapest source of energy, including everything from the glass for cells to entire power plants.

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Leading in the global labour market with best working conditions and employer satisfaction.

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Access to decent housing conditions at an affordable price.

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Reducing industrial air pollution promotes human health.

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Improve health and well-being through early and accurate diagnostics.

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Decoupling of economic growth from the consumption of finite resources.

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Treatment of anxiety and depression, as well as other mental illnesses and their symptoms, for all our well-being.

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Extraction of thermal energy from beneath the Earth’s surface, to generate electricity, heat or cold air.

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Fruits, vegetables, pulses, and staple foods (e.g. rice or flour) are the basis of a healthy diet.

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Contraceptives and hygiene items improve the health and economic status of women and thus strengthening their independence.

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Educational services, infrastructure, and materials, as well as financing education, are the basis to guarantee #AccessToEducation.

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Health facilities belong to the foundations of a well-functioning healthcare system.

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Clean water supply depends highly on the recycling of wastewater through #WaterTreatment.

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Producing food and cotton in harmony with nature, supporting ecosystems and thus resilient agriculture.

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Functioning ecosystems through land- and ocean-based conservation and restoration, such as wetland construction or soil remediation.

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Certified forest products (e.g., wood, paper) promote livelihoods, carbon sequestration, water supply and biodiversity.

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#SustainableBonds are bonds whose end use is dedicated to the financing of both green and social projects.

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#SustainabilityLinkedBonds are bonds whose financial characteristics are tight to the achievement of predefined sustainability objectives.

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#Vaccines support the body's natural immune defences.

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Sustainably constructed and managed buildings are enabling the creation of inclusive and liveable cities and communities.

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#GreenBonds are bonds whose end use is dedicated to the financing of environmental or climate-related projects.

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Everyone should be able to view and hear the world!

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Provision of electricity, gas, water and waste infrastructure for private and residential buildings, including in emerging and underserved markets.

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Reduction of marine and coastal pollution through treatment of ballast water and containment and removal of oil spills.

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Companies front-running the economy for gender equality at work: #BestEmployerForHer.

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Development banks help finance projects that support sustainable economic development.

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In the investment world, engagement refers to the direct dialogue with companies to influence their business decisions.

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Water is a vital resource for life, food production & agriculture

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Vegan food is better for health and the environment.

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Hydrogen is an energy carrier that can contribute to a clean energy system.

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This article is under development.

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Water is a vital resource for life, food production & agriculture

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This article is under development.

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Hydrogen is an energy carrier that can contribute to a clean energy system.

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Vegan food is better for health and the environment.

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The Science Based Targets Initiative enables companies and financial institutions to set and validate climate targets aiming for net zero.

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Certified forest products (e.g., wood, paper) promote livelihoods, carbon sequestration, water supply and biodiversity.

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Reduction of marine and coastal pollution through treatment of ballast water and containment and removal of oil spills.

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Functioning ecosystems through land- and ocean-based conservation and restoration, such as wetland construction or soil remediation.

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Producing food and cotton in harmony with nature, supporting ecosystems and thus resilient agriculture.

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Provision of electricity, gas, water and waste infrastructure for private and residential buildings, including in emerging and underserved markets.

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Clean water supply depends highly on the recycling of wastewater through #WaterTreatment.

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Health facilities belong to the foundations of a well-functioning healthcare system.

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Educational services, infrastructure, and materials, as well as financing education, are the basis to guarantee #AccessToEducation.

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Contraceptives and hygiene items improve the health and economic status of women and thus strengthening their independence.

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Fruits, vegetables, pulses, and staple foods (e.g. rice or flour) are the basis of a healthy diet.

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Extraction of thermal energy from beneath the Earth’s surface, to generate electricity, heat or cold air.

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Treatment of anxiety and depression, as well as other mental illnesses and their symptoms, for all our well-being.

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Decoupling of economic growth from the consumption of finite resources.

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Technology to increase water efficiency through increased reuse and water use reduction.

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Improve health and well-being through early and accurate diagnostics.

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Microfinance and mobile money fight poverty by allowing underserved groups access loans, mortgages and other financial services.

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Reducing industrial air pollution promotes human health.

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Access to decent housing conditions at an affordable price.

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Leading in the global labour market with best working conditions and employer satisfaction.

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Promoting the world’s cheapest source of energy, including everything from the glass for cells to entire power plants.

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Effective medicines for the treatment of mild to severe diseases enabling recovery and a higher quality of life.

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Safety equipment and services to prevent accidents at work or on the road and fires.

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#HydroPower is the dominant source of renewable energy in the world today, and its great potential is currently still underutilised.

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Sustainable cotton, palm oil, soy and other #CertifiedRawMaterials help protect ecosystems and their services.

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Everything you need to generate clean electricity from wind: turbines, blades, cables, materials, construction, operation and dismantling.

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Medical R&D is one of the foundations for improving health.

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To stay healthy, prevention is cheaper than treatment.

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Security through prevention of violent crime, property damage, fraud, deceit, corruption, and property crime.

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Everyone should be able to view and hear the world!

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The rise in life expectancy is associated with a growing need for specific #SeniorCare.

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Speed up and improve medical diagnosis and treatments through digital tools.

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Harvesting energy from waste and plants.

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Virtual meetings enable low-carbon business meetings.

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Maintaining food security while ensuring livelihoods, respecting human rights, and protecting ecosystems.

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#SustainableFinance has a key role to play in the financing of the UN Agenda2030 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

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Decarbonisation of transport logistics through electrification and efficiency.

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Protecting individuals, institutions and critical infrastructure from digital threats such as data theft or ransomware.

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Energy-efficient data processing and storage.

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Decarbonisation of the transport sector through the electrification of vehicles.

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#Vaccines support the body's natural immune defences.

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Save energy and money through efficiency in industry, transport, IT, heating, cooling, lighting and household appliances.

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Confronting uncontrolled urbanization by designing and building the energy-efficient, green, inclusive, liveable, and interconnected cities of the future.

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Providing access to funding and expertise for healthcare companies.

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Standing on the shoulders of giants: Ensuring quality education through textbooks, scientific and other publications.

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Infrastructure and technical equipment for environmentally friendly public mobility services, affordable and accessible to all.

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Healthier through life with unprocessed or minimally processed animal foods.

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Producing high quality pharmaceuticals efficiently for good health and well-being.

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Products and services to maintain #OralHealth.

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As one of the most significant sources of carbon emissions, the construction sector requires environmentally friendly solutions to foster the green transition.

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Sustainably constructed and managed buildings are enabling the creation of inclusive and liveable cities and communities.

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A healthy, nurturing, protective and enriching environment gives every child a fair chance in life from the very beginning.

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Assistive devices allow people with disabilities to live an integrated, yet independent life.

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Syringes, surgical instruments, patient monitoring: products and devices for providing the best medical services.

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Medicines sold without a prescription, used to treat a variety of conditions and their symptoms, such as pain, cough, or diarrhea.

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#BatteryTech as an important building block for the energy transition

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The #Bicycle as an important factor in decarbonising global transport.

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Learning and sharing information with digital media, accessible to all.

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A functioning health system provides security and access to medical care.

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Access to the internet to satisfy basic human needs.

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Through the reduction of raw material waste and transport-related emissions, #3Dprinting is a leading example for sustainable manufacturing.

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#GreenBonds are bonds whose end use is dedicated to the financing of environmental or climate-related projects.

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Companies innovating for a better world.

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#SocialBonds are bonds whose end use is dedicated to the financing of projects with social purposes.

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#SustainableBonds are bonds whose end use is dedicated to the financing of both green and social projects.

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#SustainabilityLinkedBonds are bonds whose financial characteristics are tight to the achievement of predefined sustainability objectives.

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Companies front-running the economy for gender equality at work: #BestEmployerForHer.

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In the investment world, engagement refers to the direct dialogue with companies to influence their business decisions.

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Development banks help finance projects that support sustainable economic development.

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As radicants, we have made it our mission to channel money into those sectors of the economy and companies that contribute to solving the major global challenges - identified by the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

#radiTags – what you need to know
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