
Data protection notice radicant apps
Terms and conditions banking servicesTerms and conditions for paymentsTerms and conditions for the use of radicant debit cardsTerms and conditions for mobile payments by walletTerms and conditions for the use of radicant TWINT appTerms of use identity verification; data privacy policy and certification practice statement electronic signature
Terms and conditions for radicant investment management mandateProduct information radicant investment management mandateTerms and conditions for custody accountsFinSA information for clientsRisks involved in trading financial instruments
Pension regulationFee regulationInvestment regulationAppendix investment regulationsTransfer/payout of 3a pension account due to deathPayout of pension assets 3a for home ownership (WEF)Transfer to a 3a pension foundation or pension fundPayout of 3a pension accountApplication for pledging pension assets 3a for home ownership
General terms and conditions
Terms and conditions SavebackTerms and conditions Saveback promotion