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Travel Cash (Schweiz): Problemlos im Ausland bezahlen

Auf der Suche nach der besten Reisekarte? Travel Cash ist eine bekannte Prepaid-Karte für Reisende aus der Schweiz und ermöglicht Zahlungen sowie Bargeldabhebungen weltweit. Als praktisches Reisegeld bietet sie viele Vorteile, doch die eingeschränkte Währungsauswahl lassen viele nach Alternativen suchen. Erfahre, wie du beim Reisen mit radicant und der kostenlosen Debitkarte clever Geld sparen und gleichzeitig einen positiven Impact erzielen kannst. Zusätzlich erhältst du eine Reiseversicherung direkt mit dazu.

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Knowledge Hub
Investing in the future: How green bonds finance sustainability

Investing can pursue more than just financial goals – it can underpin your commitment to a future worth living. Green bonds offer exactly this opportunity: they combine your need for returns with your desire for positive change. At radicant, we show you how you can invest in both your financial future and that of our planet through green bonds.

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Knowledge Hub
Comparative analysis of foreign exchange rates with Swiss debit cards

By conducting this comparison, we aim to show the benefits of using the radicant debit card while paying in foreign currencies, as it is the cheapest option available in Switzerland.

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Knowledge Hub
Carbon footprint: Simply explained

Do you want to contribute to climate protection and minimise your carbon footprint? The carbon footprint is not just a buzzword; it provides insights into how much our actions impact the environment. But how is it calculated and what can you do to reduce your carbon footprint? All these questions are answered below.

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Knowledge Hub
Everything you need to know about sustainable funds

Looking to align your finances with a clear conscience? This is where sustainable funds come into play! These investment funds invest in companies that have a positive and sustainable impact on our environment and society. But what exactly is meant by the term "sustainable funds"? How do they differ from traditional funds, and how can you invest in such funds? This article will provide answers to these questions and much more.

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Knowledge Hub
Sustainable banking at radicant: How it works

We face significant challenges – population growth, climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource scarcity – in the coming decades, which require resolute action. To develop solutions, a complete transformation of the economy is needed. As Switzerland's first digital sustainable bank, radicant is committed to aligning all products and services to sustainable development. This also applies to our banking offering. But what does that mean? This article provides answers.

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Knowledge Hub
Sustainable Investing: A Beginner's Guide

We face significant challenges – population growth, climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource scarcity – in the coming decades, which require resolute action. To develop solutions, a complete transformation of the economy is needed. As Switzerland's first digital sustainable bank, radicant is committed to aligning all products and services to sustainable development. This also applies to our banking offering. But what does that mean? This article provides answers.

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Knowledge Hub
Impact investing funds: All you need to know at a glance

Do you want to make a positive impact on society and the environment with your money? Impact investing funds are specialised investment instruments designed to achieve both financial returns and measurable positive social and/or environmental outcomes. They differ from traditional investment funds by focusing on global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and sustainable development. But how do they work, and how do they differ from other sustainable funds? This article answers these questions and much more.

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Knowledge Hub
SDG investing: All you need to know at a glance

In a world facing numerous challenges, SDG investing offers the opportunity to make a positive contribution while achieving market-compatible returns. But what exactly is SDG investing, and how does it differ from other sustainable investment approaches like ESG investing? You'll find answers to these questions and much more in this article.

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Knowledge Hub
Green bonds: The ultimate guide (in 2023)

Whether it's renewable energy or sustainable agriculture: green bonds play a crucial role in investing in environmentally friendly projects. But how do these special bonds work? And how can you invest in green bonds? Everything you need to know is covered in this article.

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From our SDG Experts
Sustainable Investing: From necessity to opportunity

Sustainable investment poses problems for many traditional banks. Yet the topic can revolutionise banking.

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From our SDG Experts
Gender equality is good for the economy

Although there have been significant improvements over the past decades, no single country has yet achieved gender parity. Even though Switzerland ranks 13 out of 146 countries on the Global Gender Gap Index there is room for improvement, especially when it comes to the labour market. Closing the gender gap could benefit companies as well as the entire society.

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From our SDG Experts
What is climate change and where are we heading? – Part 2

Burning fossil fuels has caused a rapid concentration of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. As a result, the world has already warmed ca. 1.2 degrees Celsius, compared to preindustrial levels. The climate is increasingly changing, and we are suffering the consequences. The Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius (°C). However, the world is far off track and COP27 has made the 1.5°C, target increasingly unlikely.

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From our SDG Experts
Urgent action to achieve Climate Stability

Earth is warming rapidly mainly due to CO2 emissions from human made activities like burning fossil fuels. We see the effects of climate change both globally and in Switzerland such as more frequent temperature records, flooding, and droughts. The effects of climate change are increasingly severe and globally very unevenly distributed. We must tackle the climate crisis by decarbonizing urgently. Climate Action (#SDG13) can be provided via substituting fossil fuels with renewable energies, increased energy efficiency and building climate neutral societies. With sufficient investments into climate solutions, we can ensure the transition to a low carbon economy becomes a reality and we meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

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From our SDG Experts
What is climate change and where do we stand today? – Part 1

Climate change is arguably the biggest challenge faced by humanity today. Climate change mitigation and adaptation is also one of the Sustainable Development Goals (#SDG13) of the UN Agenda 2030. In the text below we outline the current state of play related to climate change and how much the world and Switzerland have already warmed.

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From our SDG Experts
How to invest in a better future

Select your investments into companies that contribute towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Agenda 2030.

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Knowledge Hub
Sustainable banks: Everything you need to know

Does sustainability matter to you? You've been separating your trash, increasingly buying clothes made from organic cotton, cycling to the health food store, and considering alternatives to flying. But what about your money? It is after all, finances that have the most significant leverage in the world. That's why the demand for sustainable banking solutions is growing stronger. But what exactly is a sustainable bank? And which providers are already active in Switzerland? These topics are what we'll delve into in this article.

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Travel Cash (Schweiz): Problemlos im Ausland bezahlen
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Gender equality is good for the economy
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How to invest in a better future
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What is climate change and where are we heading? – Part 2
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What is climate change and where do we stand today? – Part 1
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Urgent action to achieve Climate Stability
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Carbon footprint: Simply explained
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Everything you need to know about sustainable funds
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Sustainable banking at radicant: How it works
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Sustainable Investing: A Beginner's Guide
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Sustainable banks: Everything you need to know
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Impact investing funds: All you need to know at a glance
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Sustainable Investing: From necessity to opportunity
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SDG investing: All you need to know at a glance
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Green bonds: The ultimate guide (in 2023)
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Comparative analysis of foreign exchange rates with Swiss debit cards
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Investing in the future: How green bonds finance sustainability
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