Sustainability challenge and related SDGs:
Satellite images show us that every second approximately one football field of forest is lost globally. Forests not only provide timber and food, they are also the sources of livelihood, for example through medicinal plants or firewood.
Forests are important ecosystems for a habitable planet. They act like sponges for rainfall and are therefore crucial for preventing floods and droughts. Forests tend to be diverse and resilient ecosystems. For this reason, many natural forests count as paradises for biodiversity. Last but not least, forests are a key element in addressing the climate crisis. Preserving natural forests prevents the release of large amounts of carbon. New tree plantings on the other hand, have the potential to make up for what we have deforested over the past centuries. In this way, the climate crisis can be slowed, or even averted.
SDG 15 “Life On Land” has a particular focus on forests. Target 15.2 reads: “Promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally.”
Possible solutions and their contribution to achieving the SDGs
#CertifiedForests encompass companies that manufacture wood products certified by FSC/PEFC (Forest Stewardship Council/Programs for the Endorsement of Forest Certification). These include timber and paper, as well as other wood products. These certifications ensure more sustainable forest management in economic, social and environmental terms.

#CertifiedForests are managed sustainably so that forests are maintained as functioning ecosystems. As a result, they prevent desertification as well as soil degradation and preserve biodiversity, for example in mountain ecosystems. #CertifiedForest managers must prevent poaching and trafficking of protected animal and plant species and minimize the use of alien species.
Primarily related SDG Targets: 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 15.7, 15.8, 15.C
Investment Rationale and Growth Potential
The demand for sustainable materials is increasing. In this respect, the forest offers various products that are suitable to replace more energy-intensive materials. For example, certified wood products are attractive to replace non-renewable materials in construction and other industries. For a sustainable economy, forest management according to the requirements of the certification schemes is also necessary.
Furthermore, measures to prevent the climate crisis are required. Forests offer solutions to store carbon (reforestation) or to prevent further release of greenhouse gases (uncontrolled logging).