Sustainability challenge and related SDGs
Healthcare provision is a costly business. Independent of your area of expertise, whether you are a general practitioner, a dentist, a specialist for eyesight or a radiologist, the medical devices you need are not cheap. Likewise, the successful operation of such a healthcare facility requires suitable premises, functioning logistics and much more.
#FinancingHealthcare ensures that SDG 3 “Good Health and Well-Being” can be achieved, while making sure that inequalities are eliminated (SDG 10) and communities benefit as a whole (SDG 11).
Possible solutions and their contribution to achieving the SDGs
#FinancingHealthcare is particularly concerned with financing #HealthcareInfrastructure, such as the loan needed to open a doctor's office or renovate a hospital. However, most of these financial service providers offer more than just money. They provide dedicated specialists to assist and advise healthcare providers on all relevant business aspects.

This starts with choosing a location or office space, to arranging medical equipment vendors, to accounting and human resources services.
Because of the high cost of investment, institutions #FinancingHealthcare are interested in ensuring the long-term sustainability of their clients' businesses. Many of them provide access to extensive partner networks and service providers.
Primarily related SDG Targets: 3.8, 3.c, 10.2, 11.3, 11.5
Investment Rationale and Growth Potential
Healthcare costs have risen in recent years. Access to healthcare and treatment options have improved, which increased the overall spendings for healthcare. With an aging global population, more healthcare facilities will be needed.
Moreover, older people tend to have a higher purchasing power, and demand for these facilities is expected to increase. #FinancingHealthcare will remain a challenge in the years to come and will be essential to ensure access to healthcare services.