Sustainability challenge and related SDGs
Many chronic diseases are caused by unhealthy habits or risk behaviours. For example, obesity and an inactive lifestyle are two of the most common causes of type 2 diabetes. Around one third of deaths from cancer are due to tobacco use, overweight, alcohol consumption, low fruit and vegetable intake and a lack of physical activity.
Even though many cancers can be cured if diagnosed early (#HealthDiagnostics) and many chronic diseases can be treated, treatments remain expensive.
Being a cheaper option than treatment, #PreventiveHealth belongs to the core measures to reach SDG 3 “Good Health and Well-Being”. It consists of measures taken to stay healthy and prevent or reduce the impact of health disorders or diseases.
Possible solutions and their contribution to achieving the SDGs
By making smart lifestyle choices, people can reduce the likelihood of getting chronic diseases and improve their quality of life. 9% of deaths in industrialised countries are directly attributable to physical inactivity, so more prevention and healthy lifestyles appear to be relatively easy solutions to avoid or overcome health problems.
Since 30 to 50% of cancers could be prevented by avoiding risk factors, which underlines the importance of advancing #PreventiveHealth. Who does not want to stay healthy and enjoy a higher quality of life?
Primarily related SDG Targets: 3.4, 3.5, 3.9, 3a, 3d

Investment Rationale and Growth Potential
Investing in #PreventiveHealth is a worthwhile effort for the entire society as it contributes to reduce the overall costs of the healthcare system.
Helping people to stay healthy for longer is much cheaper than treating them. The promotion of a healthy lifestyle means, among other measures, being physically active. Not least due to the rising health consciousness, fitness has become part of people’s lifestyle and more and more people train either in the gym, outside or even at home. The same trend is also driving up the global demand for bicycles as a form of healthy and sustainable transportation.
So, companies whose activities are related to fitness, bikes or even hygiene products such as sun cream or toothbrushes, are expected to continue growing. Therefore, #PreventiveHealth is a growing trend and a necessary investment.