
Water is a vital resource for life, food production & agriculture

Sustainability challenge and related SDGs:

The body of an adult human being consists of about 50% to 65% water, the body of an infant even contains 70 to over 80% water. Without a regular supply of fluid, our body cannot function.

Water is a vital liquid for every cell, tissue and organ in our human bodies, which depend on it for their survival. The average water intake recommended is between 2.7 and 3.7 liters per day. Water and other beverages account for 70% to 80% of the daily fluid's intake, while the rest comes from food. Unfortunately, many people lack access to safe drinkable water and must rely on other sources of liquid intakes than groundwater. Supply of water is necessary to enable people cultivate plants, grow livestock and cook. Without water, SDG2 “Zero Hunger” could not be achieved.

Primarily impacted SDGs: 2

Possible solutions and their contribution to achieving the SDGs

Since many people still lack access to safe drinkable water, bottled water can be a short-term solution in some parts of the world. In addition, water is also used for cooking. In order to prepare meals, drinkable water is very often required. As such, the provision of bottled water can be considered as a short-term solution to provide water to people in areas where the infrastructure is missing to access safe and clean drinking water from the ground. Even though it does not replace the development of safe drinking water services, the provision of bottled water can contribute to give people access to this vital resource in emergency situations and for a short period of time.

Primarily related SDG Targets: 2.1, 2.4

Investment Rationale and Growth Potential

Water will always remain a vital liquid and a necessary investment theme. Unfortunately, many people live in places where the water supply is not safe, and they have to rely on bottled water. Investing in bottled water is therefore needed, even though we regard investments in water infrastructure as a priority on the mid to long-term.

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