
Learning and sharing information with digital media, accessible to all.

Sustainability challenge and related SDGs:

Knowledge transfer and information dissemination have taken on new forms in the education system in recent years. On the one hand, increasing digitalisation in business, research and education has greatly changed our daily lives. On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected the education system. The lockdowns have impacted education provision around the world: According to UNESCO, 1.37 billion students in 138 countries were hit by the closure of schools and universities due to the COVID-19 outbreak. However, alternatives to traditional teaching methods can make the education system more resilient to further external influences, such as pandemics or even wars.

The digital transformation is in full swing and requires new skills. Our education system and especially the way we learn and teach must therefore be adapted to the age of digitalisation. This applies to all levels of education - from primary school to vocational schools, universities and further education for adults.

Possible solutions and their contribution to achieving the SDGs

Digital education solutions support the acquisition of knowledge and competencies with the help of electronic technologies. Companies labelled with this raditag offer such digital teaching media in the form of online education services or learning platforms as well as software for primary schools.

They enable woman with book in front of notebooklearning material to be accessed at any time and from any place via digital platforms. This is a good opportunity for learners with long journeys, but also for working people who are continuing their education. In addition, compared to higher education institutions, #Edtech&eLearning is mostly more affordable, thus making education more accessible. #Edtech&eLearning thus contributes to the goals of SDG 4 "Quality education" by providing access to education regardless of age, social class, race, gender, sexuality or ethnic background.

Primarily related SDG Targets: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.a, 4.b

Investment Rationale and Growth Potential

It is no longer possible to imagine educational institutions without #Edtech&eLearning. Moreover, digital skills have become a fourth key competence alongside literacy and numeracy.

The #Edtech&eLearning-industry has evolved rapidly over the last decade due to growing demand, resulting in a wide range of new digital solutions. Today, it is the first port of call for many learners and companies looking for training solutions. Various companies are active in the field of #Edtech&eLearning and benefit from this trend, in which investors can also participate.

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