SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.


By 2050, one in three people will live in a city. As these places are also centres of production and consumption, urbanisation comes with challenges such as waste management and pollution. Most cities suffer from inadequate services, poorly developed public transport systems, deficient public health systems and insufficient open spaces. To make cities sustainable, it is essential to keep up with the pace of increasing urbanisation.

SDG 11 aims to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. To achieve this, steps must be taken to improve the quality of life of urban dwellers in the face of increasing urbanisation. This includes measures to provide access to basic infrastructures such as water and electricity, adequate and affordable housing and safe mobility services. It also calls for increased emphasis on sustainable construction. In addition, environmental degradation in cities must be curbed, for example, by improving air quality, managing municipal and other waste, and providing access to safe, inclusive and accessible green spaces and public spaces. Sustainable and resilient cities will boost productivity and improve living standards for all.

Have a look at some of our investment solutions for SDG 11: #GreenRealEstate, #PublicTransport or #StayConnected and read everything you need to know about our #raditags.

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