No sustainable development without gender equality  

"All human beings are born equal". From the day we enter the world, human rights, such as freedom of religion, freedom of thought, or the right to personal freedom, are instilled in us. But in the realisation of such rights, gender equality, and thus the empowerment of all women and girls, remains a key challenge.  

Although much has improved in this area, not one country has achieved gender parity. On average, women have only 76% of the rights enjoyed by the average man. They face discrimination more often in their lives and, as a result, have less access to education, for example. As a result, more than two-thirds of the 796 million illiterate people worldwide are female. At work, they are often paid less than their colleagues for the same job, and they tend to have less access to decision-making and leadership positions.  

Such inequalities also often lead to hunger and poverty: the female population represents the majority of the world's poor. An estimated 60% of the chronically hungry are women and girls.  

Gender equality has arrived in the economy 

The selected companies in this radiTheme offer products and services that support women and girls in their personal lives and for their professional development. These include #AccessToFinance through microcredits or microinsurance, e.g., for basic health coverage, #ChildCare facilities, and contraceptives and hygiene products to allow #HerChoice. Also noteworthy are smart employers whose gender equality policies strengthen the role of women in business, for example, through equal pay, gender balance in management and on the board of directors, or workplace flexibility. These are classified as #BestEmployerForHer

The growing recognition of the inequality of opportunity between men and women, and its fundamental injustice for half of humanity, should favour the investment trend in companies that contribute to the empowerment of women and girls in society over the next decade. 

Empowering women and girls across the world 

This radiTheme promotes SDG 5 "Gender Equality”, which aims to achieve gender equality and thus empower women and girls in political, economic, and public life. Women and girls must not be restricted from realising their full individual potential because of gender characteristics. Therefore, gender equality is a human right and a necessity for sustainable development. All forms of discrimination and violence must end for this to happen. 

radicant will advocate for a significant increase in investment to close the gender gap and promote support for businesses and institutions related to gender equality and women's empowerment at the global, regional and national levels.

Invest in impactful companies and manage your wealth

Take your wealth to the next level by adding a societal and environmental dimension. We firmly believe that only companies which contribute towards addressing the major sustainability challenges will thrive in the future.


    Climate Stability


    Gender equality


    Healthy Ecosystems


    Basic needs


    Clean Water


    Good Health & Well-being


    Quality education


    Societal progress

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